It's helpful to designate the role of exception process facilitator in your guide, but this item can also be handled by any other role that you feel is appropriate. 在指南中指定例外流程辅助人员将非常有帮助,但这项工作还可以由您认为合适的任何其他角色处理。
Exception string: the specified item cannot be removed. 异常字符串:不能移除指定的项。
To add an exception, you must type a filename, folder name, or filename extension ( depending on the type of item you are adding). 要添加例外,请输入文件名、文件夹名或扩展名(这取决于所添加的项目类型)。
A recurring item cannot have multiple instances on the same day. Adjust the dates of this exception so there are no other occurrences of this item on the same day. 定期项目不能在同一天有多个事件。请调整该例外的日期,使同一天中该项目没有其他重复事件。
If there is an exception when adding any item to the collection, the whole operation is aborted and the collection variable is left unchanged. 如果给特定集合添加任何项的时候抛出异常,整个操作都会中止而该集合变量的值也不会改变。
For our purposes, hierarchical data is a collection of data where each item has a single parent and zero or more children ( with the exception of the root item, which has no parent). 从我们看来,分级数据是一个数据集合,每个数据项都有一个父数据项及零个或多个子数据项(根数据项例外,它没有父数据项)。
If the statement is true in99.9 percent of the cases, hut there is a very remote exception, the correct response to the item is "false". 如果题中的话对于百分之九十九点九的情形是对的,而仍有细微的例外,那么正确的答案应该是“错的”。
I'm sure there are signatures in the inventory space I haven't seen, the application will throw an exception if it hits a signature it can't process with the hex address of the item. 我很确定一些物品空间有数字签名,如果真的遇到了签名,这个修改器会放弃读取这些位置。